Wednesday, June 19, 2019

You're aimlessly pokin-around,
walking downtown somewhere,
could be Charleston or Shanghai,
and stop to see... Jesus?????

Jesus is standing on some street corner
waiting for the bus with His business suit
and cufflinks, looking puh-retty spiffy, very
sharp with a Derby hat, lookin sauve, lookin
like 777 billion bucks which He could create
outta thin-air, which He also has stuffed in
His overtly-stuffed-briefcase.

Light dasha Polo? Some Drakkar Noire?
Smelling sweet and attracting dem honeybees
who wanna be close to their honey. Clean-
shaven, blue eyes, total biceps, baby. He could
literally 'coup d'etat' the world.

Quite dashing, quite brilliant -  heard His IQs above
the google-plex-range. A tall, sharp, young man,
fulla moxie. Couldn't be more than 33. And, cool,
He seems to have a faint halo.

Botha youse notice the mountains far away.

"See em?" sez God. "See how an eagle scraped a
teeny-tiny flake of stone away each time she lands,
no bigger than the tip-of-a-nanometer?"

I'm sorta bright as well, so I say, "And the parable?"

Jesus boards the bus, not too worried
and Eddie Smirx like me, a wry smile
causing a stimulant to
grow because we know
where we go.
Jesus causes time to slowly pass, too, as if you're
dragging Boulder, CO to the summit; Jesus comes
back 777 billion years later, seeing another eagle
doing the exact, same thing: scraping the tip of a
nanometer off the mountain


Precisely how long the length of eternity is.

What'll Jesus say to allah the satanic
worshippers at TheEnd when you must
stand before the Son based on what you
have accomplished in your finite existence?

"Yes, you're brilliant...
you know almost everything
about the occult...
but one you forgot to learn:
strange how you dont know
what the word LIAR means."